Blue Badge Access Consulting
The voice of change
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Blue Badge Access Consulting

The Voice of Change

“We haven't done this for the money, but because it is the right thing to do. The fact that it has generated commercial returns underlines exactly why others should follow”

About Us

Since 2016 the Blue Badge Access Awards (BBAAs) have created a movement of co-operation. The need for change is the imperative behind better ‘Access for All’ on a global stage. We are the ‘kite mark’ and the ‘accreditation of thoughtful design led accessibility’.

We have become the trusted voice for accessibility in the hospitality sector and beyond. We are unique, our consultancy offers real life experience of different disabilities. We have demonstrated our expertise in creating the ultimate in design-led accessibility through the award winning Hotel Brooklyn Brand, and the Access Gallery innovation winner of an EIB Social innovation prize. Our network of expertise is unrivalled, it is cross industry and has a combined experience of 70+ years.

The Economics of Access For All

The case for inclusion is well documented: it’s estimated that pubs/restaurants lose £163M/month, UK, by not including disabled people, and thus their friends and family. UK tourism by disabled people is worth £15BN, with an average stay lasting a third longer and a loyalty factor from disabled people of 75% (BDF figs.) to those businesses that welcome them. This multiplies to a global spend of around $13Tr with only 46% spent.

Consulting Success Story

Hotel Brooklyn, Manchester

Making the Hotel a Beacon of Accessibility increased revenue by £200k a year by "Doing the right thing"
Read more.

Executive Summary

White Horse, Dorking

Accessible rooms have delivered £6,900* additional revenue per room vs standard rooms
Read more.

Bridging the Gap for Employers & Disabled Employees

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